
Country statistics


Land area: 351,649 sq miles (910,771 sq km)

Total area: 356,667 sq miles (923,768 sq km)

Population (2010 est.): 152,217,341 (growth rate: 1.9%); birth rate: 36.0/1000; infant mortality rate: 92.9/1000; life expectancy: 47.2; density per sq km: 151

Capital City: Abuja

Monetary unit: Naira

Languages: English (official), Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Fulani, and more than 200 others

Ethnicity/race: More than 250 ethnic groups, including Hausa and Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Ibo 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5%

Religions: Islam 50%, Christian 40%, indigenous beliefs 10%

Country introduction

The culture

Attractions & landmarks